7 Ugly Truths of Becoming Skinny After Being Fat

I lost 70+ lbs, it’s great, but it’s not all that glamorous

Zita Fontaine


Photo by Bill Oxford on Unsplash

Writing about weight loss should feel amazing, a real success story of willpower, determination and the power of change. I should be beaming with pride and accomplishment — and some days I am. But if I am honest with myself, writing about weight loss is really difficult — this is why I have been putting it off for so long.

First of all, I feel ashamed admitting my fatness. It’s not easy to talk about it, even when it’s behind me, even when I already learnt the tools and methods that work for me, even when my fat loss journey is mission: accomplished. It’s not easy to admit that all these years I was struggling with my weight when I always had the power to change it. That I put up with myself, that I postponed healthy choices, that I was lazy or impatient.

It’s hard to write down that only within a year, it was possible to achieve what I told myself was impossible. And no matter how great it feels to look at progress photos, I still cringe at my before pictures, silently shaking my head in disbelief that I let this happen.

In a year, I did the impossible, I went from 213lbs to 140 lbs (from 96kg to 63kg) which means going from 32.8 BMI to 21.3 for my 5'8 (173cms) height. It meant a lot of…



Zita Fontaine

Writer. Dreamer. Hopeless romantic. Newsletter: zita.substack.com Email me: zitafontaine (at) gmail