I Don’t Understand Why He Is Not Into Me

Hint: People see only what they are capable of

Zita Fontaine


Photo by Cyrus Crossan on Unsplash

I can’t count how many times I had a terrible day from being yet again disappointed by a date, someone I saw some potential in, someone who I wanted to get to know better. I was getting my hopes up but then it just faded away, he never called, or he called inconsistently, he seemed to lose interest. And I just didn’t understand why? Why isn’t he into me? Why doesn’t he care? How is it possible that he is not making any effort? Why?

Can’t he see how great I am? Can’t he see what an amazing person I am? Or doesn’t he know how to communicate? How to show interest? How to show up and make an effort? Is this really that hard?

See, there is nothing wrong with my self-esteem or self-concept, initially.

But then… insecurity creeps in and starts this ugly conversation in my head… yeah, maybe you aren’t his type. You are not pretty enough. Skinny enough. Funny enough (or too funny maybe, and guys don’t like funny girls). Maybe it’s because you have kids. Maybe because you didn’t invite him up so it was too much effort to put in one more date before getting laid. Maybe you are too much. What if you were too much? Talked too much? Laughed too loud? Damn! What’s wrong with me when there is nothing wrong with me?



Zita Fontaine

Writer. Dreamer. Hopeless romantic. Newsletter: zita.substack.com Email me: zitafontaine (at) gmail