Member-only story
Write Your Way Out of the Difficult Days
Don’t Give Up Just Now
There are days when it is easy. When writing is a reward on its own. When it works out, whatever you do, whatever you start — it just feels good. The world smiles at you and you feel that this is exactly what you want to do for the rest of your life — just writing, pouring your words out, to help and uplift others, to mesmerise your readers with your story.
And there are days when it just doesn’t work out.
You hit a low. You call it a bad day. You say tomorrow. And then the next day is equally difficult. You feel stuck, you feel down, you feel that you are just not enough — whatever you do, you think you should be better, you should write more, publish more, promote more.
Good and bad days come and go. You get through your imposter syndrome and then it comes back — when you least expect it. You struggle through your writer block, you write yourself through it and it is all looking up. You experiment with genres, topics and styles. It’s up one day and down the next.
If you spend long enough writing, you will discover that you have patterns, that lows will inevitably follow the highs, and that bad days never really last.
And then the world turns upside down — like it just did. And the bad days seem to overwhelm…